heck out the video below. In partnership with HERE, Mercedes introduces its amazing S 500 Intelligent Drive concept car to style journal Monocle.
The firm describes the S-Class as, “The embodiment of the cutting edge technology that has placed Mercedes at the forefront of the automotive industry.” It is Mercedes’ showcase for new technology that will eventually find its way across the range.What makes it such a paragon of technological excellence? There is a host of new features.
The car has radar sensors and stereoscopic cameras that have a 360-degree view around the vehicle. These are coupled with intelligent controls which not only identify other cars, pedestrians and other obstacles. They also process the input from the sensors to predict what’s going to happen around it and assist the driver in avoiding accidents, stopping the car before it collides with anything, or anyone.
The system is faster to react than a human driver, of course. It never lets its attention wander, or gets tired. And it has a much wider field of view. The Mercedes S 500 was the car used for the historic automated journey through 100km of German cities and countryside we reported on in September.
To more accurately predict what’s going to happen, HERE is also a key part of the solution, of course. As well as avoiding collisions, the car needs to know where it is, with incredible detail, where it’s going and how to get there, and that’s our job.
Using our data, in addition to the sensor data, the car could decide an appropriate speed for the road, know which lane it should aim to be in, what was coming up, and everything else it needed to know to complete the 100km journey.
“Autonomous vehicles will radically transform how we live and work, ushering in a new era of personal mobility,” Ogi concludes.